Case Study
Military Performance
Location:Marlborough Lines, Hampshire
Training Space: Military
IndigoFitness were set a goal to create an inclusive space where both group and individual training could be performed safely and effectively, aligning closely with the Army Physical Training System (APTS).
The Situation
The Army HQ aimed to convert an old tank workshop into a state-of-the-art gym, maximising space and increasing capacity for strength and functional training activities.
With the fitness landscape constantly evolving and the popularity of hybrid training methods such as HYROX and CrossFit, the facility required a comprehensive solution that would accommodate both traditional and contemporary training styles.
The goal was to create an inclusive space where both groups and individual training could be performed safely and effectively, aligning closely with the Army Physical Training System (APTS).
Flooring Solutions:
Premium DuraTRAIN 32mm rubber performance flooring for heavy lifting.
Equipment Solutions:
6 x RAZE Shadow Series Full Racks: Offering double the capacity compared to half racks or rigs, allowing multiple users to train simultaneously within the same footprint.
6 x RAZE Shadow Series Adjustable Benches in custom colours.
Custom Branded Wall Ball Targets: Enhancing the facility’s branding.
Integrated Storage Shelves Between Racks: Maximising space efficiency and ensuring equipment is readily accessible.
RAZE Strength equipment – including Shadow Series Bumper Plates, 5kg – 30kg Rubber Hex Dumbbells, Wall balls & Kettlebells.
Integrated Adjustable Cables with Storage on Either Side.
RAZE Renegade Airbike, RAZE Renegade Runner
The Result
The upgraded training facility at Army Headquarters now supports a wide range of training activities, catering to both individual and group workouts. Key outcomes include, enhanced training capacity, an inclusive hybrid training space, from traditional bar and free-weight exercises to contemporary functional and HIIT workouts and improved user experience.
Working closely with PT staff, both military and civilian, ensured that the facility meets the specific needs of all users. This collaborative approach has been crucial in delivering a space that is functional and effective for diverse training requirements.
This latest project is the third phase of improvements completed at the Army Headquarters over the past three years. IndigoFitness has continuously evolved and updated the facilities to align with budget constraints and user needs, ensuring that the training environment remains modern and inclusive for all users.
Get in touch to find out how we can help you create your ultimate training space
We have over 20 years of experience creating gyms of all shapes and sizes and would love to chat with you about your project!