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Site Development Tender

Start date: 14.02.2023  

IndigoFitness Ltd are looking for a contractor(s)/suppliers to carry out the refurbishment and site development at our premises based in Nuneaton. We are tendering for quotes for the completion of the following:

  • Removal of failing retaining wall
  • New Drainage and relandscaping the yard area to aid drainage and access
  • Install Palisade Fencing

We expect to commence this project as soon as possible i.e. 1 March 2023 with completion by 31 March 2023 at the latest. Payments will be made in instalments as each phase of the project is completed as above. We will assess each bid for the tender in the following way:

  • Price (40%)
  • Timescales (40%)
  • Experience/track record (20%)

If you are interested in tendering for this opportunity or would like to know more, please contact us via email at or give us a call on 01455 890100 ref: IndigoFitness Storage Yard Renovation.

This tender will be advertised for the next 14 days and the closing date is 28 February at 11:59pm.


This project is subject to grant approval which will be part funded by the European Regional Development Fund.


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