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on gym floor HIIT EXPERIENCE

Location: Bolton, England
Training Space: Group training 

Bolton Arena is a leisure centre that sees over 1.2 million visitors a year utilising their fitness, tennis, football and gymnastics facilities. Bolton Arena Gym aims to stay at the forefront of modern training opportunities and approached IndigoFitness to provide an on gym floor HIIT experience.

watch how we did it video

The Situation

The aim of this project was to keep Bolton Gym Arena members and customers inspired to go to the gym, by launching a brand new group training session. IndigoFitness were tasked to create an on gym floor HIIT experience specifically for small group training to suit all abilities.

The Solution

We approached this project from the ground up, with a specific and relevant flooring solution for the HIIT area. The mix of strength training and heavy pieces of cardio kit required a flooring that could handle high intensity and reduce noise and vibrations. We chose PaviFLEX Pro Eco 10mm Blackstone which includes a speck of blue throughout to strengthen the Bolton Arena brand theme. 

The bespoke storage rig stores all the functional equipment required for the group training concept. as well as being able working from it. This includes wall ball targets, battle rope loops and boxing bags. The rig also create a light barrier to the main gym floor to differentiate the space. We used hex panels to allow a visual into the into the HIIT space so that general gym users can see what’s going on in the new classes. 

On the other end of the new HIIT training space we lined up RAZE Renegade and Concept2 cardio machines to supplement the conditioning element to the session. 

Finishing touches included adding in bespoke colouring and logos to assist with the aesthetics of the gym and bring the concept to life with it’s unique ‘MOTIV8’ branding.


Flooring Solutions:


PaviFLEX Pro Eco 10mm Blackstone.

Equipment Solutions:


Bespoke and custom Zenith functional rig and storage.


RAZE Strength equipment – including Hex dumbbells, PU Kettlebells, Wall Balls, Slam Balls, PWR Bags, Plyo Boxes, Battleropes.


Carbon Claw Boxing equipment.


RAZE Renegade Runner and Bike.


Concept2 SkiErg

The Result

IndigoFitness designed and installed a brand new small group training concept for Bolton Arena Gym. They have now successfully launched ‘the ultimate group training session MOTIV8’. A modern on floor training experience for customers to enjoy a new functional style of training. The bespoke elements fit perfectly with the gyms environment and the classes should improve the attendance and retention of members. 

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Get in touch to find out how we can help you create your ultimate training space

We have over 20 years of experience creating gyms of all shapes and sizes and would love to chat with you about your project!
